A few travel ideas and connections to get you started
Travel is probably best done when your young, you can cope with any hardship, better than us older folks, thats not to say we dont travel as much, it just means we are more inclined to take a cruise,or stay in a luxurious hotel, rather than saving money, and having a little discomfort.
Some of the younger members of my family have travelled widely in Asia, they stayed in bargain hotels,hostels or even over-nighted with families, this gave them a unique view of other cultures and they loved it !
Some of the photos on this site are theirs and are credited so, they went to some stunningly beautiful locations, they interacted with the locals all through Indo-China and the Phillipines, and came back all the richer for that experience, and im sure they will return in the not too distant future !
Cheap flights with cashback
Travel does not need to cost a fortune, if you dont mind waiting, standby can get you seriously cheap flights, its just the waiting that many dont want ! It is time out of your vacation, but it means your not paying premium prices for flights, so you have a bit more cash to spend on the things you want !